Drupal Contributor Roles
You are familiar with Drupal and ready to start exploring Drupal 8.
Install Drupal 8
You can install locally or use simplytest.me.
Explore Drupal 8
- Create a Basic page and two Articles.
- Create a view for your Articles.
- Add a page to the main menu.
- Create a new taxonomy vocabulary and add terms.
- Add the vocabulary as a new field on your Article content type.
- Add a Custom block and display in sidebar.
Bonus Tasks
- Set up a new content type.
- Add content.
- Copy the site. Make a configuration change. Export the configuration. Import it into the other site.
- Translate a piece of content you created into another language.
- If you installed locally, use Drush to list your available modules.
Next: Community Contributor
Community Contributor
You are an Explorer and ready to give back to Drupal 8.
Get Ready To Sprint
- Register your drupal.org user account.
- Set up an IRC client.
- Join in the #drupal channels.
Continue At Home
- Get involved in drupal.org/core-office-hours.
- Read through an issue and update the issue summary. (See “Needs issue summary update”)
Bonus Tasks
- Mentor by helping someone explore Drupal 8 or become a contributor.
- Ask Druplicon in IRC, “needs tags?” Read more about them on the link provided.
- Become a member of the Drupal Association.
Next: Issue Mover
Issue Mover
Your are a Community Contributor and ready to start moving Drupal 8 issues forward.
Get Ready To Sprint
- Install Drupal 8 locally or use simplytest.me.
- Install Dreditor.
- Figure out how to take screenshots on your OS.
- Find a Needs issue summary update issue and if it is missing steps to reproduce, write them. Bonus points if you include relevant screenshots.
- Triage an issue without any replies.
- Test an issue tagged Needs manual testing.
- Find a Novice issue with a task you can perform, do it, and have someone check your post.
Bonus Tasks
- Record a screencast of your steps and upload to the issue.
- If you are not on Windows, use browser stack or a Virtual Box with Internet Explorer to take screenshots of Needs manual testing or Needs screenshot issues.
Next: Mentor or Developer
You are an Issue Mover and ready to dig into some Drupal 8 code.
Get Ready To Sprint
- Install a local *AMP stack (for example: Dev Desktop).
- Get an IDE such as PHPStorm or Sublime Text.
- Set up git locally.
- Git clone Drupal 8 and install locally.
- Run a simpletest locally.
- Run phpunit tests locally.
- Find a Needs reroll issue and re-roll a patch that no longer applies.
- Find a Needs tests issue and write a unit test.
- On a problem you have encountered, upload a partially working patch (partially done tests count).
Bonus Tasks
- Read up on Drupal coding standards.
- Install Drush, use it to install Drupal and install a core module.
- Find a module to upgrade to Drupal 8, and upload a patch that does one of the Drupal 8 changes.
Next: Mentor
You are an Issue Mover or Developer and are ready to help others learn to contribute too.
Get Ready To Sprint
- Do some issue queue gardening.
- Review Novice and Meta issues so you have tasks to match new contributors with.
On Sprint Day
- Wear comfortable shoes and a smile.
- Drink plenty of water.
- Ask and answer questions in public, and expose your reasoning.
- Ask for help when you need it.
- Review.
Continue At Home
Review, review, review. Sprinters need feedback!
Bonus Tasks
- Help people get a local development environment set up.
- Organize a sprint in your community.
- Attend IRC core office hours.